E-Clad Laser Cladding

E-Clad is an E-volutionary New Alternative to Hard Chrome Plating

LaserBond® E-Clad is a high-quality surface engineering product, providing a laser clad coating that replaces hard chrome on cylindrical surfaces. This cladding product uses less than 25% of the energy used when hard chroming – adding to the E-Clad’s already excellent environmental profile.

The benefits don’t stop there – components coated with E-Clad are more impact resistant and have significantly better abrasion and corrosion resistance than hard chrome. In fact, in independent testing by the University of South Australia, E-Clad provided a 3-10 times higher wear resistance than commercial hard chrome coatings and 2-3 times better corrosion resistance in a saline environment. E-Clad’s superior performance means extended wear life because equipment operates for longer and fewer planned and unplanned shutdowns. Applying E-clad is fast, , providing faster turn-around times, mitigating the delays inherent in electroplating.

E-Clad replaces the negative effects of chroming on both people and the environment, enhances efficiencies, reduces downtime, increases wear life, and in doing so, improves our customers bottom line.

Download our product application document here