LaserBond is a classic grass roots family founded business.

Gregory Hooper while working as a leading technical specialist in welding applications and metallurgy foresaw a services company that could embrace new metal spray deposition technology. With family support, Greg founded the company as HVOF Australia P/L in 1992, working from a small workshop in Ingleburn, NSW.

His brother, Wayne Hooper joined the business in 1994.

Our innovation with Laser Cladding dates back to 1999, when we commenced the design of one of the world’s first high-powered Laser Cladding system (6kw). This cell has been in operation since 2001.

ASX listed as LaserBond Limited (ASX:LBL) in 2007.

En 2014, nuestro equipo presentó solicitudes de patente para un nuevo y revolucionario “método de deposición LaserBond” que permite colocar capas extremadamente delgadas de revestimiento unido metalúrgicamente a baja temperatura sin dilución ni porosidad intermetálica.

LaserBond has now built several laser systems, the latest one is a 16kw unit integrated into an advanced robotic manufacturing cell.
Familia fundada en 1992
LaserBond is a classic grass roots family founded business. Gregory Hooper while working as a leading technical specialist in welding applications and metallurgy foresaw a services company that could embrace new metal spray deposition technology. With family support, Greg founded the company as HVOF Australia P/Lin 1992, working from a small workshop in Ingleburn, NSW. His brother, Wayne Hooper joined the business in 1994.
Relocating to a larger premises in Smeaton Grange, NSW in 2014. Cavan, SA was established in 2012 and was ASX listed as LaserBond Limited (ASX:LBL).

Crecimiento impulsado por la innovación
La empresa estuvo a la vanguardia del desarrollo del proceso de oxicombustible de alta presión y alta velocidad (HP HVOF). El proceso HP HVOF rocía gotas semifundidas de material de recubrimiento a velocidades extremadamente altas, lo que da como resultado superficies recubiertas de la más alta calidad y rendimiento posibles para mejorar la durabilidad, la resistencia a la corrosión o ambas. La inversión en un microscopio electrónico de barrido interno sigue siendo única hoy en día entre sus pares de LaserBond. El diseño y aplicación de revestimientos metalúrgicos de rendimiento requerido requiere una comprensión de la unión y del material depositado. El laboratorio metalográfico bien equipado permitió a LaserBond realizar avances líderes a nivel mundial en ingeniería de superficies para desgaste.
Our innovation with Laser Cladding dates back to 1999, when we commenced designing one of the world’s first high-powered Laser Cladding system (6kw). The company now has built several laser systems, the latest one is a 16kw unit integrated into an advanced robotic manufacturing cell..
In 2014, our team lodged patent applications for a revolutionary new “Método de deposición LaserBond”que permite colocar capas extremadamente delgadas de revestimiento unido metalúrgicamente a baja temperatura sin dilución intermetálica ni porosidad.
Colaboración de la industria
LaserBond’s growth has accompanied its collaborative relationships with key and enduring customers. Starting from a problem-solving opportunity we develop technology-based solutions to wear life and performance problems that constrain our customers. In turn we develop specialised products, or standardised service protocols that becomes a growth partnership.
nuestro formal Colaboración en I+D con UniSA acelera esta pasión por la innovación.